
Humana Neighborhood Center
Member Appreciation Day

Now available on demand
To register by phone, please call 502-479-6585.

We’re celebrating you! Join us for a fun online event where you can participate in activities, games and conversations.

Your local Humana Neighborhood Center® is having a special online event, and you’re the guest of honor.

Join us at our Member Appreciation Day party. You can get help understanding your plan, meet new friends and have some fun.
Event instructions

Learn how to prepare, what to expect and tools to navigate the online event experience.
Download the Online Event Instructions.

Download instructions
Event agenda

We’ve packed a ton of fun-filled activities into this online event, including tips on keeping your brain healthy, summer trivia games, virtual information booths and plenty of chances to interact and engage live with fellow attendees and Humana Neighborhood Center team members.

Drop by your Humana Neighborhood Center in person after the online event for a free goodie bag!

  • A warm welcome

    Join Associate Vice President of Humana Neighborhood Centers, Theresa Andrews, for a short introduction video explaining what to expect from the event.

  • 10 tips to help keep your brain young

    Stay sharp as you age with ways to engage your brain and improve mental function.

  • Food for thought: Brain-boosting foods

    Do brain-boosting foods sound too good to be true? Tune in to this presentation to find out.

  • Summertime trivia

    Put all that brainpower to good use by challenging yourself to trivia games where you can play along with fellow members.

  • Live chat

    Connect with Humana Neighborhood Center team members and other representatives in the event chatroom.

  • Information booths

    Download helpful resources and ask questions about your Humana plan and benefits and get answers from team members in real time.